Protocol of the yearly meeting of the Gothenburg Hackerspace

Date: April 14th 2018

Present: Nicco (chairman), Tom (secretary), Olof (treasurer), Klondike, Herb

Absent: Auditor

  1. The meeting was opened 16.58
  2. The people present confirm that the invitation was made three weeks in advance
  3. Election of the chairman for the meeting in unison: Nicco
  4. Election of the secretary for the meeting in unison: Herb
  5. Election of the witnesses of the protocol in unison: Tom and Klondike
  6. Description of activities in 2017:
    • Open Saturdays for interested people
    • Collaboration with repair cafe
    • Talk "Vintage Computing"
    • Work on Website and general publicity
    • Firewall workshop
    • Experiments with blockchain
  7. Approval of economy 2017 in unison
  8. Report of the auditor: skipped due to absence
  9. Planned activities 2018:
    • Acquisition of and Move to a new location
    • Setup of a mailing list
    • All other activities are left for the board to decide
  10. Approval of economy 2018: Postponed and left for the board to decide
  11. Election of the board in unison: Nicco (chairman), Tom (secretary), Olof (treasurer), furthermore without specific role Klondike and Herb
  12. Election of an auditor postponed to an extraordinary board meeting
  13. Election committee left vacant due to lack of necessity
  14. No further questions
  15. The meeting was closed 17.25