Protocol of the yearly meeting of the Gothenburg Hackerspace
Date: April 14th 2018
Present: Nicco (chairman), Tom (secretary), Olof (treasurer), Klondike, Herb
Absent: Auditor
- The meeting was opened 16.58
- The people present confirm that the invitation was made three weeks in advance
- Election of the chairman for the meeting in unison: Nicco
- Election of the secretary for the meeting in unison: Herb
- Election of the witnesses of the protocol in unison: Tom and Klondike
- Description of activities in 2017:
- Open Saturdays for interested people
- Collaboration with repair cafe
- Talk "Vintage Computing"
- Work on Website and general publicity
- Firewall workshop
- Experiments with blockchain
- Approval of economy 2017 in unison
- Report of the auditor: skipped due to absence
- Planned activities 2018:
- Acquisition of and Move to a new location
- Setup of a mailing list
- All other activities are left for the board to decide
- Approval of economy 2018: Postponed and left for the board to decide
- Election of the board in unison: Nicco (chairman), Tom (secretary), Olof (treasurer), furthermore without specific role Klondike and Herb
- Election of an auditor postponed to an extraordinary board meeting
- Election committee left vacant due to lack of necessity
- No further questions
- The meeting was closed 17.25