Yearly meeting
- Full member meeting
- Saturday, April 25th 2020, 17.00-19.00
- Online (link will be added)
The yearly full membership meeting.
Preliminary Agenda:
- Open Meeting
- Check for invitation in due time
- Election of the meeting chair
- Election of the meeting secretaty
- Election of two adjustors for the meeting minutes
- Activity report of the previous year by the board
- State of GHS
- Activity at Falken
- Economic report of the previous year
- Auditor's report of the previous year
- Discharge of previous year's board
- Activity plan for the new year
- Budget for the new year
- Election of the board for the new year
- Election of auditor for the new year
- Election of the election committee for the new year
- Other questions
- Future of GHS as an association
- Activity in Corona times and afterwards
- End of the meeting
Organized by herb